The game of life board game online
The game of life board game online

the game of life board game online

They can also buy homeowner’s insurance for the amount specified on their house deed card to protect their home from floods, tornadoes, and theft. Players can purchase automobile insurance for $10,000 at the beginning of any turn, which protects their car from any accidents, damage, and theft. If no player has that career, they pay the money to the bank instead. If a player lands on a career space, they pay the player who has the career listed on the space the amount of money specified on the space. There are also career spaces on the board. If a player lands on a LIFE space, they draw 1 life tile and keep it face-down in front of them until the end of the game. Players must stop at these spaces, follow the directions, and then spin and move again. Whenever a player lands on or passes a green space, they collect their salary from the bank. When players land on orange spaces, they must follow the directions on the space. Players place their career and salary cards face up in front of them. If they draw a card that has “Degree Required” on it, they must draw a different career. If a player wants to start their career immediately, they place their car on the START CAREER space and draw one career card and one salary card. If a player wants to go to college, they place their car on the START COLLEGE space and collect $40,000 in bank loans. Going to college gives players more career options, but it takes longer and costs money. On the first turn of the game, players decide whether they want to immediately start a career or go to college first. On a player’s turn, they spin the wheel and move their car that number of spaces forward on the board. Whoever spins the highest number goes first, and play continues clockwise. Once the game is set up, each player spins the wheel. Each player also starts with a car and one people peg. Choose a player to be the banker, who is in charge of handing out money during the game, and have them give each player $10,000 to start with. You should also separate the insurance policies and bank loans into 3 separate piles next to the board. Separate the game cards into 4 piles-career cards, salary cards, house deed cards, and stock cards-and place the piles next to the board. Take 4 of those tiles and place them face-down at Millionaire Estates. To play the Game of Life, first place all of the LIFE tiles face-down next to the game board.

the game of life board game online

The Risky road has some squares with special instructions that can make or lose you money. Risky/Safe: Spin and move again onto either path.Spin for babies: Follow the instructions on the square, add that many people pegs to your car, then spin and move again.Family: Spin again and move onto either the Family path (if you want kids) or the Life path (if you don't).Or you can choose to not pay anything, spin again, and move on the Life path. Spin again and move on the Night School path. Night School: You can choose to pay the bank 100K, draw the top card of the College Career deck, and (if you want) replace your old Career with the new card.Spin and look at the inner circle: if it's red, everyone gives you 50K each if it's black, everyone gives you 100K. Get Married: Add a blue or pink peg (your spouse) to your car.Graduation: Look at the top two College Career cards, pick one to put in front of you, and put the other on the bottom of the deck.Follow the special instructions for the STOP square you're on: X Research source Even if you have extra moves left, your piece stops here.

The game of life board game online